Monday, 9 January 2012

The Wonders Of Vaseline

Hello how have you been..?? well about me i'm on the verge of getting frozen.My town is getting colder and colder every increasing day  :(

anyway today I don't have any pictures to post right now so bare with me till I take some pictures next time. So today I'm gonna share with you all some wonderful tips about VASELINE..well well  when we think of Vaseline the first thing that comes in our mind is chapped lips etc.. but we can use Vaseline too moisturize our eyelashes also.Apply Vaseline at night before going to bed and after a couple of weeks you'll see the results and it is available anywhere and everywhere plus it is very cheap.... So my pretty dolls go apply vaseline for longer and stronger eyelashes :)




  1. these lashes look so pretty
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    visit <3

  2. I had no idea vaseline has a line for the lashes!
    will definitely try to look for them!

    come visit my blog dear

    The Sweetest Escape 
